We do a lot of work creating bespoke solutions based on Enterprise Architect from Sparxsystems for our clients.

But usually it is not possible to show this solutions to a wider audience, therefore I have decided to showcase components we build, use and sell.


This hopefully helps to explore additional fields where our work can generate value.

Today I can introduce to you two components:

* Model2UML our Abstraction Layer

* Our SVG Toolkit


Model2UML will be explained in more detail in future posts. Generally Model2UML is currently widely used for projects where we create bespoke code generators for clients.

Our SVG Tools have been part of our AMUSE product for a while now. But of course this way of rendering diagrams from an EA model can also be used for other scenarios. As our (any)Model2Uml abstraction layer allows reading model information via EA API but also directly from XMI, the viewer can be used as a standalone solution.




What you see in the picture is a little tool that can render EA diagrams from XMI content stored outside of an Enterprise Architect repository. Today it only supports some diagram elements! We will include more as we move on. The SVG renderer can already be customized with templates. Of course their are limitations to this approach – for example it will be very hard to rebuild shape scripts in a SVG representation – but for many things this will not be required.

As the viewer is based on SVG, the presentation of lines and shapes are highly customized using SVG templates. The current color scheme is purposely different to typical EA colors. The only current limitation are the shape scripts which are sometimes needed for high sophisticated scenarios.

We hope that this technology will also help us to implement some diagram support into EnArWeb.