Beim druchforsten meiner Hack/DIY Seiten bin ich auf was tolles gestoßen. “Gizmo“ ein Freeware Tool, mit dessen Hilfe man all das machen kann, was ein Developer so ab und an mal braucht. Alleine die Featureliste sollte euch doch schon mal neugierig machen.
- Gizmo Drive (Mount ISOs, encrypted hard drive images to a virtual device,….)
- Gizmo Database (Query Analyzer and stored procedure analyser,….)
- Gizmo Editor (Colorizing text editor and hex/binary editor,….)
- Gizmo Hasher (Calculates hash values for files, folders and drives,…)
- Gizmo Script (Automate your PC and execute functions using scripts,…)
- Gizmo Synchronization (Synchronize files and deploy software between clients)
Ach ja eine DVD/CD Brenn function ist auch einbaut. 😉
While reading my Hack/DIY sites I found something very usefull. “Gizmo” a freeware tool, with all the functionality a developer needs from time to time. Just read the featurelist and you know you want to have it.
- Gizmo Drive (Mount ISOs, encrypted hard drive images to a virtual device,….)
- Gizmo Database (Query Analyzer and stored procedure analyser,….)
- Gizmo Editor (Colorizing text editor and hex/binary editor,….)
- Gizmo Hasher (Calculates hash values for files, folders and drives,…)
- Gizmo Script (Automate your PC and execute functions using scripts,…)
- Gizmo Synchronization (Synchronize files and deploy software between clients)
Bevor I forget it, there is also a DVD/CD burning feature implemente. 😉
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