The Model Driven Generation (MDG) Integration for Eclipse and Enterprise Architect (EA) brings the modeling capabilities of Enterprise Architect to the IDE of Eclipse.
Editing your EA models is provided directly in Eclipse and, with one click, Java or C++ code (or also other languages) can be automatically generated. But also reverse engineering existing source code into UML models is possible. After connecting your EA models to Java, C++, or other languages, models and code are live synchronized. If you change your model elements, the modifications are automatically updating the dedicated source code and vice versa. Thus, a full round-trip engineering process is provided.
The EA projects are visualized in an own Eclipse view as depicted on the right side of the screenshot below. Next to this view, EA’s UML editor is depicted. The connected source code, i.e., Java in our case, can be maintained inside the workspace of Eclipse as depicted on the left side of this screenshot. By selecting a model element it can be easily navigated to the dedicated position in the Java code.
For more information including the installation guidelines and the user guide we kindly refer to the website of the Sparx Systems.
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