We are proud to announce a new version of EnArPower Tools, the must-have extension for all Enterprise Architect power users.

Version 2 of EnArPower Tools contains the “Package Dependency Generator“. It automatically generates dependencies between different packages and visualize them by creating a package diagram. Especially when reverse engineering applications with Enterprise Architect, this plug-in helps you to discover and better understand the structure of your system. Being aware of dependencies inside the systems’ components is crucial for maintaining or migrating the system.

A dependency is generated if

  • an element is directly connected (associations, generalizations, etc.) to an element of another package
  • the type of an attribute is an element from another package
  • the return type of an operation is an element from another package
  • the type of a parameter of an operation is an element from another package

Further Information and Download: http://www.lieberlieber.com/model-engineering/enarpower-tools/