We are proud that Fraunhofer IESE will give us a deep insight of their Enterprise Architect activities!

Abstract:  Industrial experiences have shown that the ’just enough’ documentation being considered in distributed agile development of large scale systems goes beyond the traditional set recommended by Agile evangelists. Indeed, up front architectural specification and more detailed requirements specification are, together with user stories and test specifications, playing important roles to ensure the proper development of such systems. In this regard, one of the main challenges is how to keep the development artifacts traceable and consistent to each other. To be effective, traceability should be consider in the very beginning of the development process. Moreover, traceability techniques should be minimally intrusive, in the sense that people should be able to keep using the tools they are used to for creating the artifacts (e.g. Rally for creating User Stories, Microsoft Word for creating detailed requirements documents) and, still, be able to keep traceability among the artifacts produced. TraceMan is an Enterprise Architect based solution for managing artifacts traceability in agile development, aiming at non-intrusiveness traceability. It acts as a central manager, allowing engineers to use tools they are used to for producing development artifacts, and ensuring artifacts traceability from the moment of their creation.


Short bio of presenter: Pablo Oliveira Antonino is Computer Scientist at the Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering (IESE), Germany, since 2009, working with architectures of embedded systems. He received his M.S. degree in Computer Science from the Federal University of Campina Grande, Brazil, in 2009, a Bachelor in Computer Science at the Federal University of Paraiba, in 2006, and a Technologists degree in Telecommunication Networks at the Federal Center of Technologic Education, Brazil, in 2004. He is also developing his PhD activities jointly at the Fraunhofer IESE and the University of Kaiserslautern – Germany, in the field of architectures of safety-critical systems.

Aktuelle Infos zum Enterprise Architect User Group Event, am Di, 8. Oktober in Nürnberg: http://www.eausergroup.com oder auch bei uns: http://www.lieberlieber.com/de/eausergroup/ – die Enterprise Architect User Group finden sie unter http://www.eausergroup.com