Our recent Webinar was recorded – and today we can share the recording with you!
Enjoy the recoding:
Model-based systems engineering (MBSE) covers the entire system development cycle from design to validation and is made mandatory by standards and guidelines, for example in the field of functional safety (ISO26262). Especially in the early phases of system development, agile development methods can enrich traditional processes such as the V-model or Waterfall model. These agile approaches have already proven themselves in software development for decades.
Agile working on individual development branches in order to develop new functions or to update existing features will also become a trend in the development of cyber-physical systems. This approach offers several advantages:
• Consistent development state
• Flexible adaptation of requirements
• Development risks are reduced
• Transparent, secure and accelerated system development
In this webinar we will introduce the new approach of agile working on individual development branches and show how agile modeling based on feature branches can work in practice and how you can additionally enrich or complete Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) with it.
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