Full screen for WM/CF

Since I do some Compact Framework programming on the side. I ran into the problem on how to do full screen applications on WM. Due to our background as “third level developers” we got a pretty good framework for C# Compact Framework programming and there I...

.net and click once and settings

For some applications this is a very useful technique to assure, the user runs the latest version. For some applications, you may experience difficulty with settings files. Settings files in that way, that users store local data in there, and that these changes are...

Mexico / Mäxchen / Meier

“Thirsty” programmer are the worse and it’s even worse when you want to play a dice game without dices. Since none of us carries dices with them all the time (just in case we’r in the mood to play with some friends) I descided to make a new game. Because “we” don’t...

Drama am Handelskai

Heute bekamen wir besuch von der Feuerwehr. Da quasi vor der Bürotüre (die Baustelle ums Eck) ein Gasflasche brannte. Bei dieser “kleinen” Aktion wurde auch gleich der Handelskai gesperrt, wie man auf den beiden Fotos eindrucksvoll sieht. Zum glück war es...


In Silverlight 3.0 XmlDocument is no more. Instead, we have to use XDocument, XElement, XAttribute from System.Xml.Linq namespace. It can be used in combination with linq, so here is how to parse a very simple xml-file: <?xml version=\”1.0\”?>...