Raspberry Pi–first steps

Hi, today I really started my first steps with Raspberry PI. And yes it is faster than I thought and as I’ve learned the major difference between a Windows user and a Linux user is: as a Windows user it is not necessary to be able to read step by step instructions. As...

Graphical Version of UML Super Structure as EA Model

SparxSystems Central Europe hat eine grafische Repräsentation der UML Superstructure als Enterprise Architect veröffentlicht. Charmant… SparxSystems Central Europe published a graphical representation of the UML super structure as Enterprise Architect model. Here we...

EA as Business Analysis modeling tool

According to the latest IIBA survey, Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect is one of the most prevalent Business Analysis modeling tools in the UK. http://uk.theiiba.org/images/reports/basurvey2012_final_v1_0s.pdf (4,25MB)

8. April: Device Day in Wien

Erstmals veranstalten wir am 8. April 2013 von 12:45 – 19:30 den LieberLieber Device Day und laden dazu sehr herzlich ein. Die Veranstaltung findet in Kooperation mit Microsoft Österreich in Wien, Am Euro Platz 3, statt. Gemeinsam mit unseren Hardwarepartnern Samsung,...

Multitouch meets Requirements Engineering

This week we been showing some of our multitouch solutions for requirements engineering on the Reconf in Munich.   A little picture for your inspiration from our booth:     Requirements can be done on sexy devices 😉

EnarSpy v1.3

*** This addin is not free anymore – if you have interest contact: Sales *** This addin was built for Developers to speed up Enterprise Architect Development. It includes a couple of plugins and tools to ease the developer’s life by e.g. unvealing properties...