As one of the founders of the European Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect User Group I am extremly happy that there will be an event this year – despite so many cancelations – but it’s gonna be virtual.
Togehter with Philipp Kalenda I have been invited to speak at an exiting new conference:
Enterprise Architect Global Summit – 2020
It will be in the 1st week of June! Check out the full Agenda.
Here is the Mission Statement of the Event:
For EA Users By EA Users
Explore the latest trends in Industry and learn how to best use Enterprise Architect to solve real business problems.
Inspiring Speakers
The panel of Expert speakers will inspire you with their expertise and experience to maximize the value from an EA practice to cater to the emerging demands in Architecture.
Knowledge Sharing
Exceptional content is just a part of it. Getting to know similar problems and gaining insights through meaningful collaboration.
Implementation Focus
Discover and Learn from consultants who face these challenges first-hand, giving you strategies that can implement your EA practice.
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