We got news from Ed Seidewitz:
Version 1.1.0 of the Alf Open Source Reference Implementation is now available at http://alf.modeldriven.org. For release notes, see https://github.com/ModelDriven/Alf-Reference-Implementation/releases/tag/v1.1.0.
This release conforms to the recently adopted version 1.1 of the OMG Action Language for Foundational UML (Alf) standard, available at http://www.omg.org/spec/ALF/1.1. In addition to error corrections and clarifications, Alf 1.1 includes a number of important updates to the Alf language:
- Added support for Real operators and standard model library functions.
- Added new @indexFrom0 and @indexFrom1 annotations to allow switching between 0-based and 1-based indexing.
- Added a new “null coalescing” operator.
- Tightened multiplicity conformance rules and added tracking of multiplicity and typing of local names.
- Updated mapping of instance creation expressions for active objects, to start classifier behaviors of parent classes.
- Updated semantics to be based on fUML 1.3.
For a complete list of issues closed in Alf 1.1, see http://issues.omg.org/issues/task-force/ALF11.
This open source implementation of Alf is being developed by Model Driven Solutions and made available under the GNU General Public License v3. It is not officially endorsed in any way by OMG, but should be of interest to the OMG UML community. For immediate notification of new releases, register to “watch” the repository at https://github.com/ModelDriven/Alf-Reference-Implementation.
Version 1.3.0 of the Foundation UML (fUML) Open Source (Reference) Implementation is now available for download from http://fuml.modeldriven.org. For release notes, see https://github.com/ModelDriven/fUML-Reference-Implementation/releases/tag/v1.3.0.
This release conforms with the recently adopted version 1.3 of the OMG Semantics of a Foundational Subset for Executable UML Models (fUML) standard, available at http://www.omg.org/spec/FUML/1.3. In addition to bug fixes, fUML 1.3 includes the following significant changes from the previous version:
- Added semantics for central buffer nodes and data stores.
- Added semantics for call events, accept call actions and reply actions.
- Added BasicInputOutput model library support for reading and writing reals.
- Clarified that sending a signal is asynchronous from receiving the signal.
- Updated activity execution semantics so that activity parameter nodes fire before other activity nodes.
- Refactored and generalized handling of event occurrences.
For a complete list of issues closed in fUML 1.3, see http://issues.omg.org/issues/task-force/FUML13.
This open source implementation of fUML was originally developed by Model Driven Solutions under contract to Lockheed Martin Corporation and is now freely available under the Academic Free License v3. It is not officially endorsed in any way by OMG but should be of interest to the OMG and wider UML community. For immediate notification of new releases, register to “watch” the repository at https://github.com/ModelDriven/fUML-Reference-Implementation.
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