When I installed Lync on my Windows 7 Laptop the Tapi dialing feature didn’t work anymore.
After some research I found a forum presenting the Solution.
As so often it is only a question of adding a registry Key
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Call Integration needs a DWORD called TAPIOVERRIDE with Value = 1
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Call Integration]
And off you go – after a short restart you can again Dial via TAPI from Outlook 2010!
Can yuo recommend a voice/TAPi compatible modem that will work with Outlook dialling using TAPI?
Many thanks
Looking for this registry location in Outlook 2013… anyone?
This works with Outlook 2013 as well, e.g. to use TAPI instead of the default Skype integration.
But in general, if you are running a 32bit Outlook on a 64bit machine, you have to be aware, of the registry settings being below the key [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\…
This does not work for me for Outlook 2013 x64 on Windows 8 x64. Still the call buttons are greyed out. Has anyone found a solution?
I kind of gave up on Office x64!
I only use Office x32 on x64 Operating Systems.
With x64 you have many issues with addin’s